Individual Services
Class 5
We offer the class 5 GDL (graduated driver licensing) program at two locations in Bridgewater, and one in New Minas, Bridgewater Police Station Community Room, Atlantic Superstore Community Room Bridgewater, Royal Lepage conference room situated at the main office at 8999 Commercial Street New Minas.The on-road section takes place in a vehicle fitted with automatic transmission. The course covers, 25 hours of theory covering:
- car care and familiarization,
- driver licensing,
- driver responsibility,
- driver psychology,
- insurance,
- vision,
- the Act and regulations made under the Act,
- occupant restraint systems,
- alcohol, drugs and driving,
- risk perception,
- identifying hazardous situations and driver action,
- driving under adverse conditions,
- approach of emergency vehicles,
- fuel-efficient driving,
- vehicle technologies such as braking systems and drive train systems,
- standard transmission; and
- (b) not less than 10 hours of in-vehicle instruction for each student, not to exceed 2 hours of actual driver training time per session, in defensive driving techniques including
- automobile familiarization,
- steering techniques,
- starting and stopping,
- right and left turns,
- highway and urban driving,
- backing,
- controlled and uncontrolled intersections,
- right-of-way,
- one-way streets,
- lane changing,
- passing,
- parking,
- 2- and 3-point turns,
- risk perception,
- identifying hazardous situations and driver action, and
- crosswalk safety.
Manual/Standard Transmission
We can teach you how to drive a vehicle fitted with manual transmission correctly, everything from how to hold the gear leaver correctly, to intermediate gear changing both up and down the gear box, as if required get you ready for a class 5 test.If you plan on exchanging you drivers licence for a UK on, you will be issued with a restricted licence limited to automatic transmission unless you can prove that you have taken a class 5 test in a vehicle fitted with manual transmission.
Driver Familiarization Courses for Visitors to the Nova Scotia
Although there is a reciprocity agreement with UK, Germany and South Korea, and the US, you only have 90 days to get a Nova Scotia drivers Licence.Clean Nova Scotia Driverwiser Program
We offer the above program on behalf of Clean Nova Scotia, for more details on this course please contact Derek GillisProgram Coordinator
Direct: 902.420.7944
Toll free: 1-888-380-5008
Canada Safety Councils 55 Alive
Renew Your Driving Skills for Today’s Traffic "I've been driving for a long time. Why should I take a driving course now?" To update your driving skills. Even if you haven’t been involved in a collision in 40 years, it may be time to review your driving skills. With aging, changes occur in hearing, vision, flexibility and reaction time. You can learn to adjust your skills to compensate for those changes. Do any of these situations bother you?- Entering or exiting a highway
- Changing lanes on the highway
- Passing
- Parking
- Left Turns
- Yielding the right of way
- Night driving
- Winter driving
- The frustrations of today’s complicated traffic environment
Sharpen Your Driving Skills
The 55 Alive Driver Refresher Course is designed to help Canadians 55 years and over to maintain their independence and their driving privileges. The 55 Alive course is designed to help you:- Gain more confidence behind the wheel
- Improve your awareness of traffic hazards
- Update yourself on traffic laws and new technology
- Anticipate the actions of other drivers
- Identify and correct bad driving habits
- Voice your concerns in a friendly, relaxed environment